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Component Description
ECU (Engine Control Unit)
The ECU and indeed the whole system used on these engines are totally new and unlike any pre-
vious version of Xicoy ECU. It is a new controller developed specifically for this application by Xicoy
Electronica which is in the form of a small C-shaped pcb fitted under the front cover of the engine.
It is connected via the 3-wire cable which plugs into the engine and to a small connector board
called the “Hub” externally which forms the connection to the outside world. The three wires are
just plus (+) minus (–) and data. The signals in and out of the ECU are via bidirectional digital
data link, no direct connection is required, or possible.
The ECU is a powerful new design using a completely new architecture than used before, so rep-
resents not an upgraded version of anything before but a new system completely. This new plat-
form allows us to break from the limitations of older technologies to make use of the latest high
speed connectivity to add many more functions than were possible before, and all using a single
wire data cable. All signals in and out of the ECU go via the Hub which acts as a clearing house for
ECU data and the outside world.
The ECU is programmed specifically for each engine with the engine operating characteristics, start
parameters, throttle curves and operating routines. Some of these are user settable like the radio
setup and maximum thrust settings which are accessed used via a menu system on a special data
display which plugs into the Hub or is part of the Hub itself. The ECU also controls the power to
operate the two valves, the brushless starter motor and the glow plug. Two of the three wires in
the 3-cable are the power for these.
Menu Items
Users familiar with other Xicoy ECUs will notice the menu structure is very similar to previous gen-
eration ECUs, but with some display items in new positions, some extra functions added and some
removed. This is mainly because the ECU is specially produced for the “X” Series so functions
which have previously been general purpose are now tuned specifically for the engine and fixed.
Anything which could be preset or does not require adjusting has been removed from access to
shorten the menus as much as possible to declutter.
Auto battery recognition
Kero / Diesel selector
Max thrust preset
Pump preset
Extended run storing
Battery recognition
Another addition is automatic detection and accommodation for LiPo and 9.9v 3-cell LiFe batteries.
The ECU detects the battery voltage at plug in, and automatically adjusts all the parameters to
work with the voltage supplied.