EN - Page 7
Turn the cap back in.
Mark month and year on the label. Attach the sticker to the electrode
Place Mini-HydroFlex in water for 24 hours.
Potential is not displayed correctly
Cause 1: Poor contacting
Check the measuring cables on optical damages such as corrosion, cracks and
sessile plugs. Replace the cable.
Check the electrode with an external reference electrode, e.g. a calomel or silver
silver chloride electrode (see 3. Checking the Mini-HydroFlex).
Cause 2: No or too little hydrogen production
Did you place the new Mini-HydroFlex in water for 24 hours?
If not, wait 24 hours before you measure.
Is the duration of the hydrogen source exceeded?
If yes, please replace the hydrogen cell (see 4. Maintenance).
Cause 3: slow ion exchange, e.g. when you switch from concentrated solutions to
weak concentrated solutions
Await the setting time, sometimes the balancing of concentrations lasts longer
than expected. If necessary, check the potential in another electrolyte such as 1
mol/l hydrochloric acid (see 3. Checking the Mini-HydroFlex).