M A G N U M 6 K S W I T C H E S , M N S - 6 K U S E R G U I D E
set ftp mode=<normal|passive>
set the ftp mode of operation
set igmp mode= <normal|l2>
set the IGMP mode. Normal is when a L3
device is in the network and is the IGMP root.
The IGMP-L2 is used when there is no L3
device in the network
set logsize size=<1-1000>
set the log buffer size
set password
set or change password
set prompt <prompt string>
set the prompt for switch. The prompt
has predefined variables. These are $n :
System Name; $c : System Contact; $l :
System Location; $i : System IP; $m :
System MAC; $v : Version; $$ : $
Character; $r : New Line; $b : Space
set serial [baud=<rate>]
set serial port parameters
set snmp type=<v1|all>
define the version of SNMP to use – the option
all supports all versions (v1, v2 and v3) – v1
restricts SNMP to v1 only. By default – SNMP
v1only is enabled
set stp type=<stp|rstp>
Set the switch to support RSTP or change it
back to STP. Need to save and reboot the switch
after this command
set time hour=<0-23> min=<0-59>
sec=<0-59> [zone=GMT[+/-]hh:mm]
sets the time (as well as the timezone)
set timeformat format=<12|24>
set the display time in the 12/24 hour mode
set timezone GMT=[+ or -] hour=<0-
14> min=<0-59>
sets the timezone