In and Out
on the Map
Step-by-Step Instructions
To use Setup Map options:
1. Select ‘Setup Map’ from the Options Menu and then press
in on the
to display the Map Setup Page.
2. Highlight the desired sub-page button to display the
features list for that sub-page.
3. Highlight a feature on the list and press in on the
to display the options list for that feature.
4. Use the
to highlight the desired option
and then press it in to activate.
5. Press the
button or the on-screen ‘X’ button to
return to the Map Page.
Zooming In and Out - Overview
Use the
buttons to adjust the map
scale, which is displayed at the bottom of the map.
The map scale is shown in the lower left hand side
of the map display area. The scale is shown in the unit of
measure selected from the ‘Units’ fi eld of the Unit Setup
Page (not to be confused with the Map Setup Page).
It is possible to zoom in so far that the resolution of
the map data is exceeded and the appearance of the map
will no longer be accurate. When this occurs, the word,
“overzoom” will appear just below the map scale.
When using MapSource map data, the word “map-
source” will appear below the map scale whenever you
zoom in to view more detailed map features.
You can control the display of map details at specifi c
map scales by using the Map Setup. Using the Setup
options allows you to create clearer, “less cluttered”, maps
as you desire. Selecting ‘Autozoom’ adjusts the scale to
show both your current location and next point you’re
navigating to.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To change the map scale:
1. Press the
Zoom button to select a scale that
shows more detail and a smaller map area.
2. Press the
Zoom button to select a scale that displays
a larger map area, but with less detail.
Map Page
Setup Options
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Map Scales
and Descriptions
Map Page
Feature Options