The Satellite
Because the eTrex Legend relies on satellite signals to
provide you with navigational guidance, the unit’s view of
the sky will determine how fast you achieve navigational
status. GPS signals do not travel through rocks, build-
ings, people, metal, or heavy tree cover...so keep the unit
in clear view of the sky for best results.
The Satellite Page provides a picture of satellite signal
tracking and tells you when the unit is ready for navigation.
At least three satellite signals are needed to fi nd your location.
The Skyview graphic represents a view looking up
at the sky from your current location showing satellites
and their assigned numbers. The outer ring represents the
horizon around you and the inner circle an overhead view
of the sky out to a 45
angle from vertical. Signal Strength
Bars for each satellite are shown just below the Skyview.
Satellites and their signals appear as hollow shapes until a
signal is received and then they appear darkened in. The
stronger the signal, the taller the signal bar.
If the unit cannot initially (when fi rst turned on)
determine its location, it will display a “Poor Satellite
Reception” message with four options. Each offers a brief
explanation when highlighted to guide your decision.
When indoors or where a clear view of the sky is
obstructed or you want to save battery power, select the
‘Use With GPS Off’ option from the Satellite Page Option
Menu. You can enter data, create routes, etc., but cannot
navigate in this mode. You can orient the satellite skyview
by selecting optional ‘Track Up’ (your direction of travel)
or ‘North Up’ with the satellite skyview oriented to the
north. You can manually enter a new, more accurate eleva-
tion, if known, to increase position accuracy. If you have
moved more than 600 miles since you last used the unit
you may require use of the ‘New Location’ option which
helps the unit to fi nd itself and speeds acquisition.
Once satellite tracking has been achieved, your
location coordinates and the elevation are shown at the
bottom of the Satellite Page.
Satellite Page
with 8 Satellites Being Tracked
There are four initialization
options for the “Poor Satellite
Reception” message.
Satellite Page Options Menu
Highlight the on-screen button
at the top of the page & press
in on the CLICK STICK.