there is still no sound then a service engineer should
be called out to rectify the fault.
SERVICE AND CLEANING - The grill is secured in the
grill bay by the installer using two anchors that lock
onto the front casters. If the grill is to be moved out of
the bay for cleaning or service, remove the anchor
from each caster by turning the knob counterclockwise
to loosen the retainer. When the retainer is free of the
caster, lay the assembly aside on the floor.
NOTE: The anchor assembly remains fastened to the
back wall of the grill bay.
After service or cleaning is complete, return the grill to
its position in the bay and reattach the anchors by
placing the retainer on the caster post and turning the
knob clockwise to tighten.
NOTE: For safety reasons, the grill must be secured
in the grill bay in this manner before operation
can resume.
Slide release material rod through hemmed end of the
release material sheet.
Hook release material rod on brackets located at the
rear of the upper platen.
R e le as e M aterial H o ok
U p pe r P la ten
R elea s e M a te ria l S he et
R elea se M a terial R o d
(s ide vie w )
Holding the bottom of the release material sheet in
place, gently pull the sheet toward the front of the
NOTE: Make sure release material fits smoothly over
upper platen.
Place locking clips over release material sheet and
press into place over release material bar.
R elea se M aterial B a r
R e le ase
M aterial
S h ee t
L ockin g C lip (2 )
U pp e r P late n
(side vie w )
Check alignment and tightness of release material
against upper platen.
NOTE: Installing release material sheets too tight may
cause premature failure of the sheet.
Release material sheets must be changed when:
Product sticks to release material.
Carbon build-up causes problems in taste or
A tear in the release material sheet’s
Release material coating is worn off sheet.
NOTE: Rotate the release sheets on daily basis.