background image

Step 3.

 Line up the three predrilled 

holes along the corner where the 

two Panels meet. Place a bolt with 

a washer through each hole from 

the outside and a washer and wing 

nut on each bolt from the inside 

and partially tighten, using pliers if 


Step 4.

 Repeat Steps 1 through  

3 to attach the second Vented Panel 

to the other side of the Door Panel 

(with the Hinge Knob toward the 


Step 5.

 Repeat Steps 1 through 

3 to attach the second Door Panel 

and Door to the Vented Panels. You 

will need to firmly press together 

the walls to line up some of the 

predrilled holes. You may flip the 

composter upside down if the two 

bottom holes are too deep to reach 

inside to install the hardware.

Step 6.

 Now tighten all bolts 

around all sides of the composter;  

however, do not over-tighten, to 

avoid damage to the wall of the com-


Step 7.

 Turn the composter upright 

and look to make sure there are no 

gaps between the Panels. This will 

ensure that the Doors stay open 

when raised. Make sure the Doors 

slide freely up and down between 

the panels.

Step 8.


To attach the Lid, push the 

Hinge Shoulders of the Lid onto the 

smaller Hinge Knobs at the back of 

the composter. Close the lid. Con-

gratulations! The assembly is com-

plete and the composter is ready to 


Anchoring the Composter

You can anchor the composter to 

the ground using the Anchor “Ears” 

molded into the bottom of each 

Side Panel (see front page diagram). 

If you live in a high wind area or 

simply want the extra security of an 

anchored composter, we recommend 

using Our Extra Tall Earth Staples 

(See Ordering Info.).

How Compost Happens 

Organic matter is transformed 

into compost through the work of 

microorganisms, soil fauna, enzymes 

and fungi. With the right materials, 

the decomposition process can work 

very rapidly, sometimes in as little 

as 3 to 4 weeks! It all depends on the 

kind of environment you provide for 

the decomposers to do their work. 

Even if you don’t provide the 

optimum environment, decomposi-

tion will still happen. Because the 

Pyramid Composter is a continuous 

composter, you can continue to  

add materials to the top of the pile 

and remove dark, nutrient-rich  

compost below, but it may take  

several months.

If you would like to make an 

abundance of compost in a short 

amount of time, the trick is to 

balance the following four things: 


Carbon-rich materials are 

the energy food for microorgan-

isms. You can identify high-carbon 

plant materials because they are dry, 

tough, or fibrous, and tan or brown 

in color. Examples are dry leaves, 

straw, rotted hay, sawdust, shredded 

paper, and cornstalks. 



materials provide the protein-rich

components that microorganisms 

require to grow and multiply. Freshly 

pulled weeds, fresh grass clippings, 

over-ripe fruits and vegetables, 

kitchen scraps and other moist green 

matter are the sorts of nitrogen-rich 

materials you’ll probably have on 

hand. Other high-protein organic 

matter includes kelp meal, seaweed, 

manure and bone meal. 



Moisture is very 

important for the composting pro-

cess. But too much moisture will 

drown the microorganisms, and too 

little will dehydrate them.

A general rule of thumb is to keep 

the material in your compost pile as 

moist as a well-wrung sponge. If you 

need to add water, insert your garden 

hose into the middle of the pile in 

several places, or sprinkle the pile 

with water as needed. Keeping the 

cover on will make it easier to main-

tain the right moisture level. 


To do their work most effi-

ciently, microorganisms require a lot 

of oxygen. When your first compost 

pile is assembled, there will probably 

be plenty of air between the layers 

of materials. But as the microorgan-

isms begin to work, they will start 

consuming oxygen. Unless you turn 

or in some way aerate your compost 

pile, they will run out of oxygen 

and become sluggish. This will slow 

down the decomposition.

Do I Need a Recipe?

Microorganisms and other soil 

fauna work most efficiently when 

the ratio of carbon-rich to nitrogen-

rich materials in your compost pile 

is approximately 25:1. In practical 

terms, if you want to have an active 

compost pile, you should include 

lots of high-carbon “brown” materi-

als (such as straw, wood chips, or dry 

leaves) and a lesser amount of high-

nitrogen “green” materials (such as 

grass clippings, freshly pulled weeds, 

or kitchen scraps). 

If your pile has too much nitrogen 

and not enough carbon, the pile will 

also decompose very slowly and it 

will probably be soggy and smelly 

along the way. But don’t worry about 

the exact carbon content of a mate-

rial or achieving a precise 25:1 ratio. 

Composting doesn’t need to be an 

exact science. All organic matter 

breaks down eventually, no matter 

what you do. If you simply use about 

3 times as much “brown” materials 

as “green” materials, you’ll be off to 

a great start. 

Composting Tips

* Keep a pile of straw, dry leaves, 

or peat moss near your compost pile. 

Sprinkle a little on the top of the 

pile each time you add fresh weeds 

or kitchen scraps. These high-carbon 

materials will help keep the carbon/

nitrogen ratio in balance. 

* Shredded materials compost 

more rapidly. The more surface area 

for microbes to attack, the sooner 

you’ll have usable compost. You can 

chop your materials with a machete 

or shovel, run them through a shred-

ding machine, or run over them 

with your lawn mower.

* Cover your pile for best results. 

It will deter pests, hold in heat, and 

keep the moisture level more con-

stant. A pile that’s dry or too wa-

terlogged takes a very long time to 

break down.

* In northern states, cover your 

pile in late fall to avoid leaching nu-

trients and to prevent the pile from 

becoming waterlogged. A drier pile 

will thaw more quickly the following 


* If skunks and burrowing rodents 

are hanging around your compost 

pile, you can use hardware cloth or 

purchase a Rodent Screen to place in 

the bottom of the composter. Avoid 

putting meat or fatty foods in your 

pile: they attract all sorts of animals. 

Compost not hot:


Materials in your 

compost may be too dry. This can 

happen quickly during the summer. 

Try to keep your compost materials 

moist to the touch. Inadequate nitro-

gen will also slow things down. Re-

plenish the nitrogen content of your 

pile with fresh green grass clippings, 

garden weeds, kitchen scraps or an 

activator like Super Hot Compost 

Starter or Compost Accelerator.

Your pile may also be too small. In 

this case, collect more materials to 

help increase the microbial activity.
