4. Function
To produce a well-maintained lawn we recommend cutting the
lawn regularly once a week if possible. The lawn becomes thicker
if cut frequently.
Relatively long cut grass (> 1 cm) must be removed so that the
lawn does not become yellow and matted.
After relatively long intervals between mowing
(e.g. holiday)
first of all cut in one direction with the cutting height as high as
possible, then cut in the crosswise direction at the cutting height
Wherever possible, only mow dry lawns. Damp lawns may lead
to uneven cutting.
With very dense grass, we recommend thatching the lawn. For
example with the GARDENA Lawn Aerator
art. 4068
5. Operation
The cutting height can be set to any position between 12 mm and
56 mm (0,5
- 2,2
1. Slacken the two locking screws
and set to the height
required on the scale
2. Tighten the two locking screws
on both sides to the same
The locking screws
must always be set to the same height
on both sides.
The mower may only be adjusted to a depth in which the lower
blade does not touch the ground when it is uneven.
Fit the Grass Catcher
art. 964.90.10- 30
in accordance with
the instructions for the Grass Catcher and hook onto the Hand
Cylinder Lawnmower.
6. Putting into storage
The storage location must be inaccessible to children.
1. Clean mower before storage.
2. Store mower in a dry place.
To save space the upper part of the upright can be folded up by
removing the wing nuts.
Mowing correctly :
Mowing with the Grass
Catcher (accessory) :
Storage :
Adjusting the cutting height :