‐
PTZ(W)xxVPIPE4100/IPE4500
Installation
Guide
06A.02
To
use
the
IPAdminTool
and
view
the
live
video
on
a
web
page:
1.
Start
IPAdminTool.
Names
and
info
of
currently
activated
devices
appear
as
a
list.
2.
Right
‐
click
on
the
desired
device
and
select
Web
view
.
3.
Click
pop
‐
up
blocked
and
install
the
ActiveX
setup.exe
by
clicking
the
Run
or
Save
button.
You
need
to
install
the
ActiveX
for
displaying
the
images.
4.
Follow
the
instructions
of
the
dialog
boxes
and
complete
the
installation.
Then
the
live
video
is
displayed
on
the
main
page
of
the
web
browser.
5.
If
the
live
video
is
not
displayed
with
the
message
said,
“
This
software
requires
the
Microsoft
Parser
V6
or
higher.
Please
download
from
the
Microsoft
website
to
continue.
Error
code:
Can
not
create
XMLDOMDocument.
”,
please
download
and
install
the
relevant
Note
i
If
the
ActiveX
setup.exe
file
fails
to
be
installed
successfully,
close
all
of
the
Internet
Explorer
windows
and
go
to
Program
Files
>
AxInstall
folder
on
your
computer.
Then,
run
Uninstall.exe
and
try
to
perform
the
steps
to
above
again.