GaN E-HEMT Wireless Power Transfer Evaluation Board
Technical Manual
GSWP300W-EVBPA Rev 220215
© 2022 GaN Systems Inc. 22
Please refer to the Evaluation Board/Kit Important Notice on page 27
PA Performance with EMI filter
Power-on Procedure with EMI filter
An additional heatsink may be required. The PA heatplate is provided with threaded hole
locations that can be used to attach the heatsink to the heatplate with 4-40 screws. To ensure
excellent thermal conduction, apply thermal grease to the PA / heatsink interface before
screwing the units together. Enough thermal grease should be applied so that a small amount
extrudes on all four sides as the screws are tightened. Wipe the assembly clean.
Make sure jumpers JP5/JP43/JP6/JP44 are on
Do not attach a cable or wire to JP56.
Connect the load to JP57.
Plug 5V
supply into JP35. Pin 1: positive. Pin 2: negative. Adjust the voltage to 5V.
Plug the HV supply into J32. Pin 1: positive. Pin 2: negative. Turn the supply on and ramp the
voltage from 0V to 20V
Monitor the test point voltage
by comparing the power meter measurement to GaN Systems’
test data which is available in Appendix A.
If the measurements correlate, increase the HV supply to 60V
IMPORTANT: Ensure the 5V
supply does not exceed 6V during testing.
The optimized impedance of the current mode PA is around 30
Ω. Using a
load will not
cause damage, however, the system will operate at a lower efficiency.
Evaluation Results-with EMI filter
For improved EMI performance, a filter can be used to reduce the higher order harmonics in each side of
the push-pull arm. Also, the addition of an EMI filter converts the PA from operating in voltage mode to
current mode, which provides a constant current for the WPT system.
The frequency spectrum of the PA is depicted in Figure 21. The 3rd harmonic rejection is around -58dBc,
with more than -60dBc rejection on high order harmonics. This outstanding performance will greatly help
the WPT system level EMI performance.