GaN E-HEMT Full Bridge Evaluation Board
User’s Guide
GS61004B-EVBCD Rev 200106
© 2020 GaN Systems Inc. 18
Please refer to the Evaluation Board/Kit Important Notice on page 27
To power down the evaluation board, follow the above steps in reverse.
When measuring the high frequency content switch node, care must be taken to avoid long
ground leads. Measure the switch node by placing the oscilloscope probe tip at JP2 and JP3 (designed
for this purpose). See
for proper probe technique.
PWM signal definition: A 5V amplitude, TTL compatible (i.e., 2.5V offset) rectangular pulse wave
with a nominally 50% duty cycle, whose pulse width may be increased to 80% (or 5:1 Mark:Space
ratio) to achieve maximum modulation depth for Class D pulse width modulated switching of the
Full Bridge. A 50:50 square wave will produce the smallest output because each half of the bridge is
modulated by an equal and opposite amount.