• For people more than 50 years old high level of systolic blood
pressure (higher than 140 mmHg) is more crucial than diasto-
lic pressure.
• Even with blood pressure being normal, people run the bigger
risk of hypertension development with advancing age.
If you have normal results of blood pressure measured under
calm conditions but your results are excessively high when meas-
ured under the conditions of physical or mental exhaustion, this
might be a sign of so called brittle (that is unstable) hypertension.
If you suspect that, please consult your doctor.
When measured correctly, if diastolic blood pressure is more
than 120 mmHg, it is necessary to call the doctor immediately.
9.3. What can be done to lower/maintain the level of blood
How much the
systolic blood
pressure can
be lowered
- Try to maintain the weight which
is considered standard for your
age. Decrease overweight if any!
5 – 20 mmHg
with every 10
kilos of weight
- Avoid salt overuse (it’s recom-
mended to use no more than 6 g
per day)!
2 – 8 mmHg
- Avoid eating fat food! Introduce
to your diet some food that is rich
in dietary fiber (fruits, vegetables)
8 – 14 mmHg