Node address - Configures unit node address (1 - 255). Gamma protocol
command packet structure requires node address.
Serial standard - Selects serial standard: RS-232, RS-485HD (two wire mode),
and RS-485FD (four wire mode).
Baud rate - Selects baud rate (9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200).
Data bits and stop bits - Information only.
Serial protocol - Selects serial protocol running on the serial port. Supported
protocols are Gamma, Modbus ASCII, and Modbus RTU.
Modbus register map is available on Gamma Vacuum website under download
Figure 14. Serial port setup screen
Profibus setup
For Profibus information reference Profibus user manual, document 900033
available on Gamma Vacuum website under download section.
Figure 15. Profibus setup screen
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900034_C - Touchscreen user interface