Half myth and half rumor, the Elemental Realms are nearly
impossible for mortals to reach because of the barriers erected
by their guardians. These reports have been accumulated from
far-ranging travelers and the ancient records. They must be
treated with skepticism.
The Realm of Water
This realm has been described
as tropical lagoons, sandy
beaches, fields of ice, and a
vast churning ocean. It is
said that there is a great
whirlpool in its center.
The Realm of Earth
This realm has regions aboveground
and underground. Above, it is lush
and full of life that thrives in the
rich soil. The underground
region is filled with enormous
machines with scoops, gears,
crushers, and drills.
The Temple of the Elements
According to legend, the Ancients
built this edifice. It is a tall, spired
building made of an impregnable
stonelike material. Within we have
found many fragments of the
Ancient’s history in their runic
language. This is where the sacred
elemental discs reside, each
in its own protective holder within
the central chamber.
Locations of Interest
Save Platform
Stepping onto this ancient device saves your
current state in the realm. Should you fall during
your quest, you may restart your adventure from
this point
Deluvian Oracle
Approaching one of these curious fountains of light
wakes a mysterious, invisible presence that will
impart useful information to you. Deluvian Oracles
never lie.
Crafted by the ancients, these platforms
transport objects to a matched platform many
leagues distant. In most instances, the
opposite pair of the platforms must be
activated first (by stepping on the platform)
before two-way travel is permitted.
Gold Teleporter
Identical to normal teleporter platforms
except two-way travel is always