3E2364
Weigh
Scale
W810
v2
User
Manual
Page
Recording
animal
traits
The
Weigh
Scale
W810
v2
lets
you
record
values
against
animal
characteristics
for
a
specific
animal
tag
number
(electronic
or
visual)
without
needing
to
record
a
weight.
The
information
is
added
to
the
current
session
in
the
same
way
as
a
normal
record,
but
with
the
weight
set
to
zero.
The
traits
against
which
you
can
record
information
for
each
animal
are
defined
in
and
copied
to
the
Weigh
Scale.
When
you
start
a
new
trait
session
on
the
Weigh
Scale
you
can
select
which
trait
table
to
base
the
session
on
which
then
becomes
permanently
associated
with
that
session.
This
defines
the
traits
you
can
enter
data
against
in
this
session.
Refer
to
the
User
Manual
for
more
information.
To
store
animal
trait
information
without
a
weight,
follow
these
steps:
1.
Make
sure
there
are
no
loadbars
connected
to
the
Weigh
Scale
W810
v2.
2.
Turn
the
mode
select
switch
to
.
3.
Ensure
you
are
in
a
Trait
session.
If
you
are
not
you
will
need
to
start
a
new
trait
session.
See
Creating
a
new
trait
weighing
session
(p
59).
4.
If
you
are
using
Electronic
IDs,
scan
the
animal's
Electronic
If
the
Electronic
is
already
linked
to
a
Visual
Tag
Number
in
the
Weigh
Scale's
cross
‐
reference
table,
the
Visual
Tag
Number
displays
briefly
and
is
then
replaced
by
the
trait
table.
If
the
Electronic
is
not
linked
to
a
Visual
Tag
Number
in
the
Weigh
Scale's
cross
‐
reference
table,
you
can
enter
one
now
(this
is
not
compulsory).
The
Visual
Tag
Number,
if
you
enter
one,
replaces
the
Electronic
on
the
Weigh
Scale's
display.
5.
If
you
are
using
Visual
Tag
Numbers
only,
enter
it
now.
The
Visual
Tag
Number
is
displayed
as
you
enter
it.
6.
If
the
trait
table
is
not
already
displayed,
press
to
display
it
now.
Enter
the
trait
data
using
the
keypad.
The
number
of
characters
available
for
each
is
indicated
by
the
blank
underlines.
7.
Press
the
green
Weigh
button
to
save
the
record.
The
animal
information
you
entered
is
added
to
the
current
session
as
a
new
record
with
the
weight
set
to
zero.
The
session
statistics
do
not
change.