3E2364
Weigh
Scale
W810
v2
User
Manual
Page
Pressing
the
soft
key
allows
you
to
scroll
through
the
draft
statistics
for
the
other
gates.
Pressing
the
soft
key
changes
which
statistic
screen
displays.
Weight
gain
screen
The
Weight
gain
screen
shows
weight
gain
data
for
the
animal
being
weighed
and
weight
gain
statistics
for
all
animals
in
the
session.
The
weight
gain
graph
on
the
left
side
of
the
screen
shows
the
change
in
an
animal's
weight
gain
from
one
session
to
the
next.
The
vertical
axis
represents
weight
gain,
the
horizontal
axis
represents
time.
Each
point
on
the
graph
represents
the
weight
gain
(in
/day)
that
occurred
between
two
weighing
sessions.
For
example,
if
the
graph
slopes
upward,
the
rate
of
weight
gain
has
increased.
If
the
graph
slopes
downward
the
rate
of
weight
gain
has
decreased.
Note
:
Provided
the
weight
gain
figure
is
positive
the
animal
has
gained
weight.
The
graph
plots
changes
in
weight
gain
not
changes
in
weight.
downward
slope
in
the
line
on
the
graph
indicates
a
decrease
in
the
rate
of
weight
gain,
not
a
decrease
in
actual
weight.
The
weight
gain
(in
/day)
for
the
animal
currently
being
weighed
is
displayed
in
the
top
left
corner
of
the
screen.
This
is
also
the
last
point
on
the
graph.
For
example,
in
the
screen
shown
above,
the
weight
gain
for
the
current
animal
and
the
last
point
on
the
graph
is
1.09
/day.
The
graph
shows
that
only
one
of
four
previous
sessions
has
matched
this
weight
gain.
For
the
graph
to
be
displayed:
1.
There
must
be
at
least
two
previous
sessions
with
a
weight
recorded
for
this
animal
(i.e.
with
the
same
tag
number).
2.
The
sessions
must
have
been
created
on
different
dates.
The
weight
gain
is
calculated
from
the
weight
recorded
in
the
most
recent
session
for
the
same
tag
number.
If
there
is
no
previous
data
for
an
animal,
the
screen
displays
"
‐‐
.
‐
"
in
place
of
the
weight
gain
figure.
Note
:
The
session
statistics
(average,
lowest
and
highest
weight
gain
per
day)
displayed
on
this
screen
only
include
those
animals
for
which
weight
comparisons
can
be
made.
The
statistics
do
not
include
animals
which
are
being
weighed
for
the
first
time
and
therefore
have
no
weight
gain
comparison.