Check and test the snail fencing
After fitting your snail fencing and switching on the energizer you can check the system by
using a special electric fencing tester, which is available from the dealer where you purchased
Gallagher M10 Snail tape set
The operating principle of the snail fencing
The operating principle of the snail fencing is that a snail receives a shock when it attempts to
crawl over the snail fencing; a snail will only receive a shock when it touches two wires at the
same time.
Maintaining the Snail tape
If you installed your snail tape for the first time, you need to keep an eye on the area you wish to
keep snail-free for a while to check there are no places where the snails are hiding, where they
procreate or breach your fence.
To ensure you have the maximum benefits of the Snail tape, it is important to keep the Snail
tape properly clean. Make sure there is no grass, no fallen leaves or other plants that could
make contact with your Snail tape.
It is also important that you keep the Snail tape free from other dirt, such as insects that land
on your Snail tape or slime from snails that attempted to crawl over it. This will produce leakage
current. This will cause a drop in the voltage on the snail fencing, and the snails will be able to
crawl over the snail fencing without being given a shock!
Possible faults
always switch off the energizer first when you maintain or work on your Snail tape.
No voltage on the wire/Snail tape, check the following:
Is there power on the energizer? (does the indicator light on the energizer flash or come
- If the light on the energizer does not flash or come on, remove the energizer’s plug
from the socket and disconnect the cables to the Snail tape. Now put the energizer’s
plug back in the socket and check whether the light flashes or comes on.
- If you disconnected the cables to the Snail tape and the energizer’s light comes on or
flashes, the fault is in your Snail tape or in the connection to the Snail tape.
- If the light on the energizer does not flash or come on and there is power to the
socket, the energizer is likely to be defective.
Are all the connections okay?
- Check those to see there are no problems.
Is your Snail tape clean (no short-circuit because of slime or plants on the wires/Snail
- Check if the Snail tape is dirty and clean it if necessary.
Do you only have power on half or part of the Snail tape?
- A wire in the Snail tape is defective and the current cannot go any further. Cut away
the defective piece or replace it.
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