Where there is the likely presence of children
who are unaware of the dangers of electric
fences, Gallagher recommend the powering of
that section of fence through an Energy Limiter.
This device restricts the amount of current that
can be supplied to a section of fence, further
reducing the chances of an incident should a
small child come into contact with the fence.
This is particularly important where the child
has trouble removing themselves from contact
with the fence for any reason.
Particular situations where Energy Limiters
should be used include:
The fence around the farm homestead
Any fences bounding public foot
access lanes or paths
Sections of fence near to farm
buildings where children are likely to
Sections of fence on race ways leading
to cowsheds where people are often present
Installation Instructions
· Ensure that the fence section to be
powered is electrically isolated from the rest
of the fence network, and free of major faults.
· Place warning signs every 10 m on the low
powered fence next to the public access way,
so that pedestrians are aware the fence is
· From a suitable adjacent full powered fence
line, connect up the low powered fence
section using the Energy Limiter and the
supplied joint clamps.