Switching on Galileosky 5.0, 5.1 Devices for the First Time
version 6 dated from June 19, 2018
Preparing of Galileosky
Device to Switch-on
Preparing of a tracking device socket unit
Together with a device you get a counterpart of socket and several crimped conductors.
On the back of the case there is a schematic representation of the contacts to be connected
and location of main technological holes (Pic. 1).
The symbol of terminal board key is sometimes perceived as a connection
strap between RS232 and RS485 contacts (tracking device v5.0) or Vol0 and 1-Wire
(tracking device v2.2.8). Be careful, there should not be any connection strap!
The order of terminal board assembling is as follows:
Rotate the terminal board in such a way that the key has been at the top of the socket
and the places of conductors connection have been directed towards the user (Pic. 2);
Pic. 1
Scheme of contacts
Pic. 2
Terminal boards