Operating Instruction
General Instructions for Operation
Select the appropriate size of MR‐100
Plus Manual Resuscitator (Infant,
Child or Adult). Select the appropriate size of face mask If ventilation by
mask is to be performed. Connect mask to the outlet on non‐rebreathing
If supplemental oxygen is to be used, connect supply tubing (not supplied)
between the regulated gas source and the oxygen reservoir inlet. Adjust gas
flow so that the reservoir expands completely during the delivery of the
breath and nearly collapses as the bag refills.
If supplemental oxygen is not to be used, remove the reservoir. Failure to do
so will affect the refill rate and maximum frequency capabilities.
Should the non‐rebreathing valve become contaminated with vomit, blood
or secretions during ventilation, disconnect the Resuscitator from the
patient and clear the non‐rebreathing valve as follows:
Squeeze the silicone bag to deliver several sharp breaths through the non‐
rebreathing valve to expel the contamination. If the contamination does not
clear, continue ventilation with another resuscitator or use mouth to
mouth/mask techniques. Disassemble the non‐rebreathing valve and rinse
it with water. Reassemble and disinfect.
Once the procedure is completed, clean, disinfect and test the Resuscitator
as described under Cleaning & Disinfection (P.14)
Testing the Resuscitator
Hold mask firmly in place over
the mouth and nose with
thumb and index finger, using
other fingers to grip the chin.
Inflate the lung by
compressing resuscitation bag
with the other hand. Develop
rhythmic pattern for
adequate inspiratory/
expiratory time.
Check to ensure that you are
performing ventilation
Observe rise and fall of the
patient's chest.
Check the patient's lip and
face color through the
transparent face mask.
Check that the patient valve
is working properly through
the transparent housing.
Check that the interior of
the mask is being "fogged"