Changing the Split Point for Lower Voice
When the lower mode is engaged, the keyboard is divided into two parts at the split point.
In the right-hand section the original or (Upper voice) will sound. In the left-hand section, a
new instrument voice can be assigned. The split point for the Lower section can be chan
ged in the Function menu.
1. Press the FUNCTION button.
2. Press the PAGE UP or the PAGE
DOWN buttons until the “Split Point”
menu appears.
3. Press the +/YES button to confirm your
selection and the current voice split
point will be shown.
4. Use the +/YES button to shift the split
point up the keyboard to the right, and
the –/NO button to shift the split point
down the keyboard to the left, from
G1–C7. Press the +/YES, –/NO buttons
simultaneously to recover the default
setting of C3.
5. Press the FUNCTION button again to
exit the function setting mode.
Changing the Split Point for Auto Accompaniment
The split point that defines the accompaniment section of the keyboard can also be chan
ged in the function menu.
1. Press the FUNCTION button.
2. Press the PAGE UP or the PAGE
DOWN buttons until the “Auto A. Split”
menu appears.
3. Press the +/YES button to confirm your
selection and the current auto accom
paniment split point will be shown.
4. Use the +/YES button to shift the split
point up the keyboard to the right, and
the –/NO button to shift the split point
down the keyboard to the left, from
AO–C3. Press the +/YES, –/NO buttons
simultaneously to recover the default
setting of G1.
5. Press the FUNCTION button again to
exit the function setting mode.