current location data and check for new commands on SMS. If no new command is received, the
device returns to sleep for the next interval. The Master Controller will not receive any call alert
when system ends deep sleep function.
(1-99 represents hours of deep sleep period.)
Device Response:
Notice: System is going to enter deep sleep
function, and will be ended every
XXX hours.”
Device Response: “Notice: System has ended deep sleep function.”
It is critical to note, that once you engage Deep Sleep, the device is incapable of receiving or
processing commands until the interval passes and the device wakes up. Make sure you have ALL
configuration and time settings done BEFORE engaging Deep Sleep.
11.4 Sleep time
The Sleep Time function is to allow Deep Sleep for periods when you are not concerned about
movement, but closer periodic updates for time periods you are. The Device stays in Deep Sleep
until a certain time of day, and
begins periodic location updates in two hour intervals until the “end”
of the day.
(The first 0-23 represent start time, the second one represent stop
time, 24 hours format) Example: *sleeptime*17*05* = The device Sleeps between 5PM and 5Am
the following morning. From 5AM until 5 PM, the device will report every two hours.
Device Response:
“System is going to enter deep sleep function from XX to XX. Deep sleep period
is XX hours“
Device Response:
“System has ended deep sleep function.”
11.5 Timed Locate
11.5.1 SMS:
(XXXX represent time and minutes, minimum unit is 30 minutes, maximum timing setting is 10. EG
*timinglocate*0800*1100*1400*1830* means 8am, 11 am, 2pm and 6:30pm of the day)
Device will enter deep sleep function once command is received.
System will be activated at appointed time, starts GPS and upload location data in 3-7mins.
Master controller will
receive back a text include latest information of latitude, longitude, date, time
and ranking. And you can find this location in details from the tracking website.
If no GPS signal is found, cell tower information will be sent instead.
System will enter deep sleep function again if no new command is received during the 12 minutes
activating time.
You will receive
a text message “System has entered timing locate function.”
11.5.2 SMS:
(XXXX represent time and minus, minimum unit is 30 minutes, maximum timing setting is 10. EG
means 8am, 11 am, 2pm and 6:30pm of the day)
You will receive back a text include rough address information of the device. Tracking website is not