indicates routetrack function is on.
10.1.2 By SMS
(1-98 represents hours of accumulated data, 99 means always on)
Device Response: “system has entered routetrack function for *XX* hours.” If you sent 99 the
device responds: “Routetrack function is set to always on.” Routetrack data Collecting Interval
SMS *rsampling*1-999*
(1-999 represents seconds of data collecting interval, default as 10
seconds) Routetrack data Uploading Interval
SMS *rupload*60-999*
(60-999 represents seconds of data uploading interval, default as 60
seconds, minimum rate should not be less than 60)
SMS: *routetrackoff*
Device Response: “System has ended routetrack function.”
10.2 Check Function
This check function allows for Power savings over route track of 30%-60% by controlling sampling
frequency and data upload interval. The device can be set to collect location data regularly and
uploaded to server at appointed interval. Initiate the start of interval tracking with a SMS command.
(0-99 represents hours of data upload interval, default as *check*0*)
(10-999 represents minutes of data upload interval)
Device Response: “Notice: System has ended check function.”
Noted: Check function is able to work with routetrack command at the same time.
10.3 Track Off
This turns OFF the GPRS data upload function. System will exit tracking function once receiving the
track off command, no matter which tracking mode it is in.
Device Response:
“System has ended the tracking function.”
11. Deep Sleep
The Deep Sleep function enables the GT3088 to be available for extremely long working periods
needed, tracking remotely when either the timer wakes the unit or motion is detected. The GSM and
GPS are both off during deep sleep, with only the timer drawing power. Since both the radio and
GPS are off, the device requires a minute or two to establish a location and send the first record
upon waking. There are several options of “Deep Sleep”.