Original Instructions—rev.2011—
In compliance with the step 1.7.4 of the Machinery Direc-
tive 2006/42/CE
G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A.
Via Sandro Pertini 41/43 –
Cazzago San Martino (Bs) –
Italia –
Tel. + 39 030 7451154 –
Fax. + 39 030 73 56 629
After having supplied air to the pneumatic locking device, keep the locking jaws firmly pressed with your
hand and move the red lever upwards or downwards so that the expansion shaft will withdraw into the ma-
chine body.
Se il montaggio è corretto le tre alette devono avere un leggere gioco nella propria sede.
Select the locking jaws in function of the ID of the pipe you will have to prep and slide them in the shaft..