Document 8K088X04 R5.01
Portable Digital Repeater Programming Guide
Page 49 of 86
Field Name
Options /
Analog Code
Link, Maximum
10 alphanumeric
Identifies by name and provides a
link to open the Channel
– Analog
Code Table PL/DPL Assignments
window associated with the
current channel.
This is a read only field that
displays the name of the Analog
Code Table only when configured
in Channel
– Analog Code Table
PL/DPL Assignments window.
PTT Priority
Specifies priority order of two
types of PTT requests:
• W = Wireline
• R = Rx of the Repeater
• W > R: Wireline has priority over
• R > W: Repeater Rx has priority
over Wireline
• R = W: Repeater Rx and
Wireline have equal priority.
Whichever occurs first takes and
maintains PTT control.
RSSI Thresh.
-50 to -127dBm
Received Signal Strength
Indicator Threshold specifies the
signal level at the input of the
PDR8000 receiver, required to
validate the signal
W.T.O.T. (sec)
0-2550 seconds,
in increments of
10 seconds
(0 = disabled,
displays as
Wireline Time Out Timer specifies
the maximum amount of time the
transmitter may be continuously
activated through the wireline
Any value entered that is not an
increment of 10 is rounded up to
the next valid value.
R.T.O.T. (sec)
0-2550 seconds,
in increments of
10 seconds
(0 = disabled,
displays as OFF)
(0 = disabled,
displays as
Repeater Time Out Timer
specifies the maximum amount of
time repeater mode may be
continuously activated by
subscriber through receiver.
Any value entered that is not an
increment of 10 is rounded up to
the next valid value.
R.D.O.D. (sec)
0-2550 seconds
0 seconds
Repeater Drop Out Delay
specifies the amount of time
repeater mode is maintained
following loss of received signal.
This is also known as hang-time.