00041446.DOC, Version 1.0
Function Mode
DMX address setting
With this function, you can adjust the desired DMX-address via the Control Board.
• Select
“Set DMX address“
by pressing Up or Down.
• Press the Enter-button, adjust the DMX address by pressing Up or Down.
• Press the Enter-button to confirm.
• Press the Mode/Esc-button in order return to the main menu.
Display the DMX 512 value of each channel
With this function you can display the DMX 512 value of each channel. The display automatically shows the
channel with a value changing.
Slave setting
With this function, you can define the device as slave. You can choose one of three different Slave
programs. For further information see „Edit Program“ - „Select Programs“
Auto program
With this function, you can run the internal program. You can select the desired program under “Select
program”. You can set the number of steps under “Edit program”. You can edit the individual scenes under
“Edit scenes”. With this function, you can run the individual scenes either automatically, i.e. with the adjusted
Step-Time. The selection "Alone" means Stand Alone-mode and "Master" that the device is defined as
Music control
With this function, you can run the internal program sound-controlled. The selection "Alone" means Stand
Alone-mode and "Master" that the device is defined as master.
Time information
Current time
With this function, you can display the temporary running time of the device from the last power on. The
display shows “XXXX”, “X“ stands for the number of hours. The counter is reset after turning the device off.
Total run time
With this function, you can display the running time of the device. The display shows “XXXX”, “X“ stands for
the number of hours.
Total lamp time
With this function, you can display the running time of the lamp. The display shows “XXXX”, “X“ stands for
the number of hours.
Lamp off time (in minutes)
With this function, you can display the temporary running time of the lamp from the last lamp on. The display
shows “XXXX”, “X“ stands for the number of minutes. The counter is reset after turning the lamp off.
Clear lamp time
With this function you can clear the running time of the lamp. Please clear the lamp time every time you
replace the lamp.
• Select
“Clear total time”
by pressing Up or Down.
• Press the Enter-button to confirm.
• Press Up or Down, the display shows
• Press the Enter-button to confirm.
• Press the Mode/Esc-button in order to return to the main menu.
Temperature info
Base Temperature
With this function you can display the temperature in the projector base (near LCD-display) in degree
Celsius/degree Fahrenheit.