Call up the Auto program
In order to call up the Auto program, set all DIP-switches to Off.
Connect the master and slave-devices as desribed above and set the DIP-switches accordingly.
Please note:
If you wish to change from one operating mode into another, you either have to switch off the
lamp/activate Blackout-mode or unplug the projector from the mains and plug it again.
Auto Program MIC SENSITIVITY-button
1. Put the Dip-switch in the sound mode and adjust the sensitivity of the activated sound by turning the MIC
2. In the Auto Program mode (all Dip-switches to OFF) you can select different internal programs with this
DMX-controlled operation
You can control the projectors individually via your DMX-controller. Every DMX-channel has a different
occupation with different features.
Control channel 1 – Colour-wheel
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 127
00 7F
0% 50%
S Color indexing
128 187
80 BB 50% 73%
F Forwards rainbow effect with decreasing speed
188 193 BC C1 74% 76%
S No rotation
194 255 C2 FF 76% 100%
F Backwards rainbow effect with increasing speed
Control channel 2 - Rotating gobo-wheel, gobo shake
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
3 00 03
0% 1%
S Close
7 04 07
2% 3%
S Reset
8 19 08 13
3% 7%
S Close
20 39 14 27
8% 15%
S Rot. gobo 1
40 59 28 3B 16% 23%
S Rot. gobo 2
60 79 3C 4F
24% 31%
S Rot. gobo 3
80 99 50 63
31% 39%
S Rot. gobo 4
100 120 64 78
39% 47%
S Rot. gobo 5
121 147 79 93
47% 58%
F Gobo 1 shake with increasing speed
148 174 94 AE 58% 68%
F Gobo 2 shake with increasing speed
175 201 AF C9 69% 79%
F Gobo 3 shake with increasing speed
202 228 CA E4 79% 89%
F Gobo 4 shake with increasing speed
229 255 E5 FF 90% 100%
F Gobo 5 shake with increasing speed
Control channel 3 - Rotating gobo index, gobo rotation
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
7 00 07
0% 3%
S No rotation
8 255
08 FF
3% 100%
S Rotation