2 : Description of menus :
2.1 : Start Assembly :
Basis of HAAP96 is that harness assembly is done in
. Each step involves picking up
a part either a crimped cable / cable assembly or a grommet etc. from a
and inserting
terminals in housings at proper location i.e.
checking it for terminal backout by
During assembly, in a step, HAAP96 guides operator to pick parts from proper tray by
glowing corresponding LEDs. Then HAAP96 glows LED at first point where terminal is to be
inserted and blinks LED at point where next terminal is to be inserted.
If programmed for pull test, waits for pulling of terminal, sensed through fixture. It will be
sensed for the set time. If pull test is not passed, if pull is less, waits, if more, displays fault and
leaves test.
If pull test is passed, tests continuity of inserted terminal. Once correct insertion is done,
point’s LED stops blinking and HAAP96 moves on to next point in the same step. If insertion
is wrong then HAAP96 will keep displaying fault like open and short and will not go to next
step unless correct connection. While displaying faults display will be “description O xxx yyy”.
Where xxx is the starting point of the net / circuit. Meaning in described test, yyy point is open
from xxx. Similarly SHORT will be displayed. Once a step is complete HAAP96 will move on
to next step.
when all steps are over, tester can check complete subassembly again if the option is
selected on power on. By default this option is not selected. If complete subassembly is found
correct in one pass then only teser will pass the assembly.
On pass, an audio signal along with relay output and visual signal will be given out when all
steps are over. HAAP96 will start assembly of new component only when old one is removed.
2.2 : Setup:
Change component : To change selected component i.e to select component under
Change data : Programming of new data.
New data can be programmed only from PC’s serial RS232 port.
A file in a text editor is generated in the specified format and transmitted to tester.
In the file, information required is harness name once, each step name, trey LEDs in each
step, separated by space, coupler number for pull test along with point number. Format is as