FS28 working in Bluetooth Master Mode.
When FS28 working in Bluetooth Master Mode, it can transfer fingerprint data to a host (eg. smart
phone or PC) through Bluetooth. To select Bluetooth Master Mode, just enter FS28 admin menu, go
to 1.<Operating Mode> - > 1.BT Master Mode (Bluetooth master mode).
After selecting Bluetooth master mode, the Home menu will be upgraded as below:
There are three types of fingerprint data can be selected includes RAW image, WSQ image and
fingerprint sample.
RAW Image:
The RAW size is 153600 bytes. The host demo will show the image immediately after finish
receiving it.
WSQ Image:
WSQ does not have a fixed image size. When an image is captured in FS28, it will be first
compressed into WSQ image and then sent to the host. After the host receiving it, it will be
decompressed back to RAW image and show it on the screen. As WSQ is a compressed image, so it
can be transferred faster than that of transferring RAW image.
Fingerprint Sample.
FS28 can send a fingerprint sample to host through Bluettooth. FS28 will first process the captured
image into a FS28 sample (664 bytes) and then send it to the host. After receiving the FS28 sample,
the host demo will convert it into a host sample (669 bytes) to make it compatible with Futronic’s
proprietary SDK.
In Windows Bluetooth Master Mode Demo application, Futronic’s trial SDK is provided. To enroll
a user finger into PC database, you should use a USB scanner like Futronic’s FS80 or FS88. Just
plug in a USB scanner and run the SDK demo “
” to enroll fingers. After
enrolling a user finger into the PC database, you can use FS28 to do identification. Whenever a
sample is sent from FS28 to PC, the Windows Demo will do identification using that trial SDK.
The fingerprint sample is only work with Futronic’s SDK, it will not work with other SDKs.
Only trial SDK is provided in FS28 Starter Kit. Futronic’s Full SDK is not provided; you need
to purchase it from Futronic if you need to use it. The trial SDK has following limitations.
It can use for limited 1000 verification/identification only. After this limit is
exceeded, the application has to restart again.
Only vc# examples are provided. For other example, it is required to purchase the
full SDK.
It is an older version 3.0 and we are selling new version 3.9 with better recognition