Multiple Profile Selection in SENSIT Software
In SENSIT, profile options can be accessed by right clicking in
the Display Mode screen.
The USB520 offers four customizable calibration profiles and
three default profiles. The default profiles include, mV/V,
Voltage, and Current.
Profiles listed as System 1 through 4 can be user defined in
the SENSIT calibration and can be used for different types of
sensors or the same sensor.
One way to utilize the multiple profiles is to improve the
accuracy for the lower range of a sensor by having one profile
for the full sensor range and another one for the lower range
of the sensor. This would allow a full capacity profile and a
lower range capacity profile for the same sensor to be used
as needed.
Please refer to the SENSIT Quick Start Guide, or our online SENSIT
support documentation, for more information on using SENSIT at: