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Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
Printer Interface
Data Format
The Major 4 unit is provided with an RS-232 serial Interface with the following specication:
9600 Baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits.
The serial printer is connected to the Major 4 via a 6 pin DIN connector. The connector is wired as
follows: Pin 1 = RXD, Pin 3 = TXD, Pin 5 = GND. If a printer with Centronics interface has to be used,
we recommend our V24 Centronics interface (article no. 902000).
The printer control operates in the background without affecting other functions. In order to be able
to process a data stream quickly and efciently, the Major 4 is provided with a 3-line printer buffer.
Every received 5-tone sequence is ltered by the printer code and if the ID-code ts, it is transmitted
to the printer, provided that the relevant switch ("print received code") is turned on. The printer code
is programmed in register 009 (EEPROM 1). Those positions where every tone is allowed are coded
with 'F'. See section EEPROM 1 Programming Mode. Transmitted 5-tone calls are printed also if
the appropriate switch is turned on. In case of 5-tone sequences one line each is printed. In case of
telephone mode, the last ve digits of the telephone number are printed at the beginning of the call;
after call termination the actual time is printed together with the message <end>.
Printer Switches
The printer switches are programmed in register 039 in EEPROM 1. See section EEPROM 1
Programming Mode. Optional switches can be combined.
The following functions are controlled by the individual switches:
Register 039
1. digit
transmitted call code, print/do not print --> 1/0
2. digit
received call code, print/do not print --> 1/0
3. digit
telephone number dialed, print/do not print --> 1/0
4. digit
transmitted conference call, print/do not print --> 1/0
5. digit
received conference call, print/do not print --> 1/0
Print Format
A headline is printed at the top of every page. The headline is followed by the title and the print
lines follow below. Every line contains a current number as well as date, time, tone code response,
telephone number and a remark. The current number is automatically reset at midnight according
to the change of date and a new page is started. If a page is complete, a paper feed command is
automatically sent to the printer. The new page again starts with headline and title. For example,
a standard printout could look like this: