BX-240 • 9
© Box 73 Amateurfunkservice GmbH 2017
SOL for an individual frequency
For all individual frequency measure-
ments it is possible to run through SOL
compensation for the actual frequency,
Operating Mode
SOL One Frequency
see Fig. 11).
The procedure is the same as described
above but only applies to the currently set
frequency and therefore runs very quickly.
This makes it possible to quickly and eas-
ily compensate for temporary changes in
the measurement setup or parameters as a
result of temperature changes or other in-
For particularly high accuracy it is recom-
mended to perform such compensation be-
fore each measurement.
if the measured frequency of
the analyzer is changed, the determined
SOL reference values for the current fre-
quency are indicated as invalid and the
standard values of the master compensa-
tion will be used instead for the next mea-
surement. The display shows which refer-
ence values are currently being used. For
example in Fig. 18 the master calibration is
used to measure SWR, which can be seen
as a small
to the right of the bar on
the right hand side of the display. In case
of single frequency calibration the display
will show
, in case of no calibration at
all it will show
Fig. 11: Menu item for SOL one frequency
Fig. 12: The Master SOL compensation (for
all frequencies) is started in the
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