Indicates to scan the NDC code. **
The scale failed to find a match between NDC codes in the
NDC Verification feature. **
*These commands apply to the calibration mode only.
**These commands apply to the counting mode only.
When the P button is pressed, "PRINT" indicates data is
printing via the Serial port.
Indicates the rear calibration switch has been toggled to
the "ON" position and the scale is in the calibration mode.*
Indicates the scale is taring for the calibration procedure
to begin.*
Indicates to load the calibration weight of 300 grams on
the pan in order to begin calibration.*
The scale is calibrating.*
Calibration procedure is finished.*
I n s t r u c t i o n M a n u a l M o d e l D R X - 4 C
Indicates the scale is in the counting mode.
Indicates NDC verification is disabled. **
Indicates NDC verification is enabled. **
Indicates to place a container on the pan and tare it by
pressing the T key. **
Indicates to begin filling the prescription in order for the
count to begin. **
Indicates the counting operation is finished; to start a new
count, press the C key. **
C H A P T E R 4
Indicates SUM is not available. There are no ingredients
entered into the scale's memory.