Chapter 2 Installation
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© Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH
2 Installation
Remove carefully the board from the shipping carton.
Check first if there are any damages before power on the evaluation board.
For the power supply a DC input voltage of 9V
– 12V is recommended. The positive
voltage (+) must be connected to the shield, and ground (GND) must be connected to
the centre of the connector X12!
After power-
on, the green „Power‟-LED (D16) should be on. If the LED does not light, than
switch off the power supply and check the default jumper settings.
By default, the evaluation board is equipped with a MB90F387 and the device has been
programmed with a test program. So after power-
on a running light at the eight „User‟-LEDs
can be seen. Furthermore, a welcome string is continuously output with 9600 baud on UART
channel (UART”A”). Please use a 1:1 cable for the PC-connection.
The burn-
in bootloader allows the user to program it‟s own application into the Flash-
memory. How to program the Flash memory is described in chapter 4.
If the board is used as an emulator target board, than switch off the power supply and
remove the microcontroller from the socket. Now the probe cable can be mounted into the
socket. Take care of pin 1 marking onto the socket and fix the probe cable with screws.
Do not use other probe cable than for LQFP-48 package only!
Connect the probe cable to the emulation pod. Check all DIP-switch-settings of the
evaluation board and the emulation pod.
For the power on sequence the emulator system must be switched on first, afterwards switch
on the evaluation board. Please look at the corresponding user manual for the emulator how
to set up the emulator system. After the power on the „Reset‟-LED of the emulator must be
off and the „Vcc‟-LED must be on.
If the „Reset‟-LED is still lighting, check the DIP-switch-settings of the emulator system and
the power supply of the evaluation board.
Some customers experience connectivity problems when connecting the MCU into
the socket adapter. Only the small red screwdriver available in your box should be
used to connect the cover (HQPACK) onto the socket (NQPACK).
If the four screws are not tightening equally, then it may cause a poor contact.
Do not screw the cover too tight (max 0.054 Nm). If you have connectivity problems
then please loosen the screws and tighten again the screws equally.
Do not clean NQPACK, YQPACK, and YQSOCKET with steam. Cleaning material will
contaminate inside of connector.