Getting started
Chapter 3 Software
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© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
3.2.2 Software
Install the latest version of the 8bit Fujitsu Flash MCU Programmer, which should be version
V01L08 or newer.
Select the Target Microcontroller [MB89F217] and the crystal frequency depending on your
external crystal [e.g.: 10MHz].
Select the Hex File (ABS/*.MHX) of your project.
Take care that the asynchronous burn-in bootloader of the microcontroller is selected
(P07=’L’, P30 = MODA = ‘H’).
Press “Full Operation” and reset your target system when prompted.
After the device is programmed successfully, select the ‘RUN’ mode ((P07=open, P30 =
open, MODA = ‘L’) and reset the target system. The application should start automatically.