AL-MEISTER ALM3222 Instruction Manual <Rev.2>
17. Adjustment of tension controllers
There are four (4) tension controllers- two for the lower film roll and two for the upper film roll. The purpose
of the tension controllers is to apply a resistance, or "drag" on the film rolls which forces the film lay flat on the
heat rollers and thereby eliminates creases and bubbles in the lamination. It is recommended that the right
side and left side controllers on each roll be adjusted with the same amount of tension. The top pair of
controllers versus the bottom pair of controllers may vary slightly only to eliminate "curl" in the laminated
piece. If the laminated piece curls upward loosen the two upper controllers and/or tighten the two bottom
controllers. If the exiting laminated piece curls downward, do the opposite and make the lower controllers
looser than the upper controllers.
18. Again, after the laminator has "warmed-up" and the READY light is on, use the manual MOVE switch to run
film (by itself, no paper) out of the laminator. Observe these samples for clarity and freedom from wrinkles.
When all of the bubbles, wrinkles and creases disappear from the lamination and the film is lying flat on the
heat rollers the machine is ready to be run in “automatic mode”. If lamination defects are not disappearing in
a reasonable amount of film footage (3 or 4 feet), slightly increase tension on the controllers (equally). See
Step 17.
Tension controllers (lower)
Tension controllers (upper)