Design and function
Screw compressor withV-belt drive and
frequency converter
Fig. 5: Screw compressors with V-belt drive and
frequency convertor
On the screw compressor with frequency converter
the electric motor is speed-controlled by the fre-
quency converter. Actuation is provided by a V-belt.
Intake filter
Fig. 6: Standard intake filter
The standard intake filter (Fig. 6/1) is fitted directly
on the compressor airend (Fig. 6/2).
Compressor airend
Fig. 7: Compressor airend
The air is compressed by the compressor airend
(Fig. 7/1) and fed to the oil separator tank (Fig. 7/2)
together with the injected oil. The compressor
airend and the oil separator tank are enclosed in the
same housing.