Manual Revision Code: FRONTLINE-SRL-04 10-19-20
initiate the requirement for inspection by a competent person.
(2) Failure of a competent person to perform inspections as specified in this Table, or failure of an
inspection by the competent person shall initiate product revalidation or disposal.
(3) Determination of the type of use category shall be determined by a competent person.
(4) An SRL that is considered non-repairable, or not designed for disassembly such that internal inspection
is not possible without rendering it unserviceable, is not subject to revalid
These SRL's shall have service life and other inspection requirements as provided by the manufacturer’s
Inspect for loose or missing fasteners or damaged parts
Inspect the housing for distortion, cracks, or damage
Inspect the Harness Interface for distortion, cracks
The Interface should pivot freely.
The Lifeline should pull out and retract fully without
hesitation or creating a slack line condition.
Ensure the SRL locks up when the lifeline is jerked
Lockup should be positive with no slipping.
All labels must be present and fully legible.
Inspect the entire SRL for signs of corrosion.
Inspect the lifeline wire rope for cuts, kinks, broken
wires, bird-caging, corrosion, welding splatter, chemical
contact areas, or severely abraded areas.
Slide up Cable Guide Bumper and inspect ferrules for
cracks or damage. The lifeline must be free of knots
throughout its length.
Inspect the Locking pin to ensure it is securely closed and
locked around the harness shoulder straps.
Lanyard End
Inspect Snap hook for signs of damage, corrosion, and
proper working condition.
Where present: Swivels should rotate freely and gates
should open, close, lock and unlock properly.