FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7390
Properties of IP Address Classes
Every IP address consists of two parts: the network ad-
dress and the host address. The sizes of the network ad-
dress and the host address are variable, and determined
by the first four bits (of the first byte) of the IP address.
By means of IP masquerading a computer or LAN can be
protected from unauthorized connection requests from
the Internet. Masquerading works by converting the IP ad-
dresses used in a network to one public IP address. From
the outside it appears that all requests are sent from a sin-
gle computer.
IP network
A network in which data exchange takes place on the ba-
sis of the Internet Protocol is called an IP network.
NAS is the abbreviation for Network Attached Storage
NAS designates one or more devices that are integrated
into a network to provide storage space.
In connection with the FRITZ!Box, NAS functionality means
that various services for connected USB memory are avail-
able in the FRITZ!Box so that it easier for you to use your
data and make them available in the local network. It is
easy to exchange documents in the local network via the
storage medium on the FRITZ!Box. The Media Server
makes music, pictures and videos in the network avail-
able to compatible playback devices. Files can also be re-
leased for sharing in the Internet, and local memory ex-
panded by adding online storage.
abbreviation for Network Address Translation
NAT is a process used in routers to replace the address in-
formation in data packets with new address information. A
typical application for NAT is routers that connect local
networks with the Internet. In local networks, every net-
work device has a private IP address, while generally there
is only one public IP address available for the Internet. To
grant the network devices access to the Internet, the rout-
er replaces the private IP address of the sender with its