JetNet 2005
Industrial 5-port Compact Fast Ethernet Switch
Industrial 5-port Compact Fast Ethernet Switch
JetNet 2005
K o r e n i x J e t N e t 2 0 0 5 i s a n I n d u s t r i a l 5 - p o r t
10/100Base-TX Ethernet switch. JetNet 2005 adopts
slim industrial design to save rail space for compact
system. In order to survive under harsh environment,
JetNet 2005 chooses industrial-grade aluminum case
with IP31 grade protection ability with dust and drop-
water proof. JetNet 2005 provides one relay output
for port link down events, which is enabled/ disabled
by the DIP switch. JetNet 2005 is powered by
18~27VAC or 18~32VDC from a 4-pin terminal block.
JetNet 2000 series require no user setup and
immediately start operating as soon as you power
them up.
Plug-and-Play Switch & High-Speed Transmission
E x c e l l e n t d a t a t r a n s m i s s i o n p e r f o r m a n c e i s
provided for you. No works will be delayed with the
transmission rate up to 3.2Gbps.
5-port 10/100 TX Compact Fast Ethernet switch
3.2Gbps Switch Fabric with excellent data exchange
Support 1.5KV Hi-Pot isolation protection
Dual mode for power input, AC18-27V/DC18-32V
Fault relay alarm
Aluminum case with IP-31 grade protection
- 2 0 ~ 7 0
C o p e r a t i n g t e m p e r a t u r e f o r h a z a r d o u s
environment application
The slim-line design makes it an ideal model that
would physically fit in a network environment with
limited space.
One relay output is an important feature to let you
Compact Size & Fault Relay Output
know when there is any event of port link down. Just
move up the DIP switch, the fault relay alarm will be