IPv4 addresses are 32 bits long, such that IPv4 offers an ad-
dress space of 2
IP addresses, or just over four billion. The
latest estimates suggest that the last IPv4 addresses will be
assigned by the beginning of 2012.
The successor protocol to IPv4 is IPv6.
short for Internet Protocol version 6
The successor protocol to IPv6 is IPv4.
IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long. This means that IPv6 makes
approximately 340 undecillion (~ 3.4 x 10
) IPv6 addresses
available. Each private user can be allotted over 18 quintil-
lion public IPv6 addresses from her or his Internet provider.
The dearth of addresses in IPv4 is only one of the reasons for
introducing IPv6. IPv6 also offers additional advantageous
characteristics in the framework of communication within IP
IP address
In IP-based networks, for instance in the Internet and local
networks, all connected devices are addressed via their IP ad-
dresses. So that data packets are sure to be delivered to the
right address, each IP address may be assigned only once
within the Internet or a local IP network.
IPv6 addresses are structured differently from IPv4 address-
es. IP addresses can be written in decimal, octal or hexadeci-
mal format.
IP masquerading
IP masquerading is a technique used within IPv4 networks.
With IP masquerading a computer or LAN can be protected
from unauthorized connection requests from the Internet.
Masquerading works by converting the IP addresses used in a
network to one public IP address. From the outside it appears
as if all requests are sent from a single computer.
FB6840LTE-e2.fm Seite 152 Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012 5:34 17