6 | © Frio 2021 - Rev. 0.3 - Updated 3/2/2021
The following sections describe the features available on the Frio S1 when operating with Firmware Version v1.0. For
Frio S1 devices operating with different firmware versions, please visit
operating manual. You may check the device firmware under
Device Info
on the
Main Menu
The Frio S1 device is available in two different configurations, the S1-A with Wi-Fi and Ethernet communication, and
the S1-C with Cellular communication. To check which device you have, look at the model number located on the
product label.
Frio S1-A: Wi-Fi and Ethernet
The Frio S1-A can connect to the Frio cloud platform via Wi-Fi 802.11 Dual Band 2.4GHz & 5GHz or wired ethernet
connection using a Cat 5 or Cat 6 cable. The device uses an FCC certified Wi-Fi Module and has been tested to the
requirements laid out in FCC Part 15 Subpart B.
Frio S1-C: Cellular
The Frio S1-A can connect to the Frio cloud platform via cellular connection via multiple carriers. The device uses an
FCC certified cellular module and has been tested to the requirements laid out in FCC Part 15 Subpart B.
The S1 device operating on firmware version v1.0.0 has four available control modes; Freeze Protection, Temperature
Maintenance, Manual Control, and Cloud Control. Future firmware versions will include additional control modes. If
your device is operating on a firmware version other than v1.0.0, please visit
operating manual.
Freeze Protection
Freeze protection mode can be used to prevent water in pipe systems from freezing. In freeze protection mode, the
S1 will activate the heat trace circuit when the active temperature sensor reads a value below the temperature set
point. The S1 will then turn off the heat tracing circuit when the active temperature sensor reads a value above the
temperature setpoint plus the dead-band. The dead-band is used to prevent the system from turning on and off
rapidly if the temperature hovers near the setpoint. The user may set either the RTD or Thermistor as the active
temperature sensor to be used for control. Both the temperature setpoint and the dead-band of the system can be
set by the user. The dead-band is added to the temperature setpoint such that the system will turn on when the
temperature falls below the setpoint and will turn off again once the temperature rises above the setpoint plus the
dead-band. Freeze protection mode can be used in either an Ambient sensing configuration or a Pipe sensing
configuration. In the Ambient configuration, the active temperature sensor must be placed in a location such that it
will accurately detect the lowest ambient temperature the system will see. Do not place the temperature sensor in
direct sunlight or near a source of artificial heat such as a vent. In the Pipe sensing configuration, the active
temperature sensor should be placed on the pipe on the opposite side from the heat trace.
Temperature Maintenance
Temperature maintenance mode can be used to control a heat tracing system within a set temperature range. In
temperature maintenance mode, the S1 will activate the heat trace circuit when the active temperature sensor reads
a value below the temperature set point. The S1 will then turn off the heat tracing circuit when the active temperature
sensor reads a value above the temperature setpoint plus the dead-band. The dead-band is used to prevent the