Keeping Food at Safe Temperatures
Stage of Food Handling
When to Check
Recommended Safe Temps
Every time perishable
0 to 7 C is ideal for refrigerated
food is delivered
food. –22 C to – 18 C is ideal
for frozen food
Storage in refrigerator
or cold store
Daily, at least
0 to 7 C
Storage in refrigerated
counter or display
Daily, at least
0 to 7 C
Deep Freezer
Daily, at least
- 18 C or below
Defrosting frozen
meat or poultry
Whenever food is thawed
0 to 7 C
Whenever food is cooked
Minimum core temp.of 70
for 2 mins
Whenever food is cooled
7 C or cooler, ideally
within 90 minutes
Whenever food is re-heated
Minimum core temp.of 70
for 2 mins
Hot food on display
Frequently while on display
Minimum core temp of 63
Cold food on display
Frequently while on display
0 to 7 C is recommended
The chart above gives the temperatures that are generally accepted as good practice together with the recommended period of
time involved where appropriate. Keeping food at these temperatures plays a major part in ensuring that food is safe to eat. Do
not leave food standing in a room, or in sunlight (for instance in a shop window)
Cooking at 70 or hotter for sufficient time kills most pathogenic bacteria, although some bacterial spores can survive high
temperatures. Food must always be cooked thoroughly, right through to the centre of the thickest part
Remember: Keep cold foods really cold
Keep hot foods really hot.
In the interest of continual product development we reserve the right to change any of the
details and specifications without notice.
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