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Setting Control

To Operate the Warmer Drawer

The purpose of the warmer drawer is to keep hot cooked foods at serving
temperature. Always start with hot food. It is not recommended to heat cold food
in the warmer drawer.

All food placed in the warmer drawer should be covered with a lid or aluminum foil
to maintain moisture and softness. Do not cover crisp foods. 

Do not use plastic

wrap to cover food. Plastic may melt onto the drawer and be very difficult
to clean.

 Use only dishware, utensils and cookware recommended for oven

use in the warmer drawer.

Always use potholders or oven mitts when removing food from the warmer drawer
as cookware and plates will be hot.

Indicator Light

The indicator light is located above the thermostat control knob. It turns on when
the control is set, and stays on until the control is turned off. Make sure indicator
light is off when removing food from drawer.

To Set the Thermostat Control

The thermostat control knob is used to select the temperature of the warmer
drawer. It is located at the right side of the warmer drawer in the open position. The
temperatures are approximate, and are designated by HI, MED and LO. The
control can be set to the three settings, or anywhere between.


To set the thermostat, push in and turn the knob to the desired setting.


For best results, preheat the drawer before adding food. An empty drawer will
reach the LO setting in about 12 minutes, the MED setting in about 15
minutes, and the HI setting in about 18 minutes.


When done, turn the thermostat control to OFF.

Temperature Selection

Refer to the chart in the side column for recommended settings. If a particular food
is not listed, start with the medium setting. If more crispness is desired, remove
the lid or aluminum foil.

Most foods can be kept at serving temperatures by using the medium setting.

When a combination of foods are to be kept warm (for instance, a meat with
2 vegetables and rolls), use the high setting.

Refrain from opening the warmer drawer while in use to eliminate loss of heat from
the drawer. Open only for adding or removing food.

To Warm Serving Bowls and Plates

Heat bowls and plates on the LO setting. Place empty dishes on the rack to raise
them off drawer bottom. To further heat dishes or to heat fine china, check with
the manufacturer for maximum heat tolerance.

Use the warmer drawer to keep hot
foods hot such as: vegetables, gravies,
meats, casseroles, biscuits and rolls,
pastries and heated dinner plates.

The warmer drawer is equipped with a
catch which may require a small amount
of  force when opening and closing the

Warmer Drawer Recommended

Food Settings Chart

Food Item










Empty Dinner Plates


Fish, Seafood


Fried Foods


Gravies, creams, sauces




Hamburger Patties


Pancakes, Waffles








Pork Chops


Potatoes (baked)


Potatoes (mashed)




Roasts (Beef, Pork, Lamb) MED
Rolls, soft


Rolls, hard




Содержание Warm Drawer

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Страница 3: ... wire covers locking plates or any other part of the product To reduce the risk of tipping of the Warm Serve Drawer the drawer must be secured by properly installed anti tip locking plates provided with the drawer To check if the locking plates are installed properly grasp the handle of the open drawer and see if the drawer will slide out of the opening Refer to the installation instructions for p...

Страница 4: ...llutensilsfromtherackbeforeremoving rack IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLEANING YOUR WARM SERVE DRAWER Clean the drawer regularly to keep all parts free of grease that could catch fire Do not allow grease to accumulate Greasy deposits could catch fire Kitchen cleaners aerosols Always follow the manufacturer srecommendeddirectionsforuse Beaware that excess residue from cleaners and aerosols may ignite...

Страница 5: ...ut 12 minutes the MED setting in about 15 minutes and the HI setting in about 18 minutes 3 When done turn the thermostat control to OFF TemperatureSelection Refertothechartinthesidecolumnforrecommendedsettings Ifaparticularfood is not listed start with the medium setting If more crispness is desired remove the lid or aluminum foil Most foods can be kept at serving temperatures by using the medium ...

Страница 6: ...ld abrasivecleanerfollowing manufacturer s instructions Rinse with clean water and dry Surfaces Vinyl Plastic Control Knobs Control Panel StainlessSteel Drawer BodyPartsandDrawer Cavity Porcelain Enamel Drawer Liner Body Parts and DrawerCavity WarmerDrawerRack To Remove and Replace Warmer Drawer ToRemoveWarmerDrawer 1 Turn power off before removing the warmer drawer 2 Open the drawer to the fully ...

Страница 7: ...sure bottom is level Be sure cutout bottom is strong and stable enough to adequately support drawer and wall oven if applicable Cabinets not square or are built in too tightly Contact builder or installer to make appliance accessible Make sure cord plug is plugged tightly into outlet Service wiring is not complete Contact your dealer installing agent or authorized servicer Power outage Check house...

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Страница 12: parrilla antes de retirarla INSTRUCCIONES IMPORTANTES PARA LA LIMPIEZA DE SU CAJÓN CALENTADOR Limpieelcajóncalentadorregularmenteparamantener todas sus partes libres de grasa y evitar que se enciendan Nopermitaquelagrasaseacumule Lagrasa quese depositaenelventiladorpuedeencenderse Limpiadores y aerosoles Observe siempre las instruccionesdeusoquerecomiendanlosfabricantes Tome encuentaelhechoquee...

Страница 13: ajustes o a cualquier posición entre ellos 1 Para reglar el termostato oprima y gire la perilla al reglaje deseado 2 Para los resultados mejores precaliente el cajón antes de meter la comida Un cajón vacío se calentará al ajuste LO en aproximadamente 12 minutos al ajuste MED en aproximadamente 15 minutos y el ajuste HI en aproximadamente18minutos 3 Cuando se ha terminado gire el control de temp...

Страница 14: ...añolimpio Quitetodoellimpiadorporquelaporcelanapodríadañarselapróxima vez que se caliente NO deben usarse rociadores para hornos Sepuedequitarlaparrillaparalalimpieza Useunlimpiadorabrasivosuaveparalavarla siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante Enjuague con agua limpia y seque Superficies Vinilo Plástico Perilla de control panel de control Aceroinoxidable Puerta Porcelanaesmaltada Revestimient...

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Страница 16: ...e Conserve la factura de compra el recibo de entrega o cualquier otro registro de pago apropiado La fecha de la factura determina el período de garantía si se requiere servicio técnico Si se realiza el servicio técnico le conviene obtener y conservar todos los recibos Esta garantía escrita le otorga ciertos derechos legales Usted puede tener otros derechos que varían de acuerdo a la legislación es...

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Страница 18: appareil n aille pas toutes les caractéristiques décrites Les illustrations ne sont que représentatives Les illustrations sur votre appareilpourraientdifférerdeceuxdumanuel Lesinstructionsdonnéesdansce guide ne couvrent pas toutes les conditions et situations possibles Usez de bon sens et de prudence lors de l installation de l emploi et de l entretien de tout appareilménager Enregistrez les nu...

Страница 19: ...ans ou sur l appareil ne rangez pas dans le tiroir réchaud des matériaux inflammables ceci comprend les papiers plastiques tissus livres de cuisine objets en plastique et torchons ainsi que les liquides inflammables Ne rangez pas sur ou près du tiroir des produits comme les produits en aérosol qui risquent d exploser et d entraîner un incendie ou des dégâts matériels Ne laissez pas les enfants seu...

Страница 20: ... l appareil pour ouvrir la porte d un tiroir chaud Laissezlavapeuroul airchauds échapperavantdeplacerou d enleverlanourriture Emplacement des grilles du tiroir réchaud Placez toujourslesgrillesàl endroitvoululorsqueletiroirestfroid Si la grille doit être déplacée alors que le tiroir est chaud soyez extrêmement prudent Servez vous de gants isolants et saisissez la grille des deux mains pour la reme...

Страница 21: ... température du réglage BAS LO en 12 minutes environ le réglage MOYEN MED prendra environ 15 minutes alors que le réglageHAUT HI atteindrasatempératureen18minutes 3 Lorsque vous aurez terminé tournez le bouton de commande thermostat à OFF ARRÊT Sélectiondetempérature Référez vousautableaudanslacolonneci contrepourlesréglagesrecommandés Siunalimentn estpasénuméré commencezparleréglagemoyen Sivouspr...

Страница 22: ... fabricant Rincez la à l eau propre et asséchez la Surfaces Vinyle Plastique Boutondecommande panneau decommande Acierinoxydable Porte Émail Revêtement de la porte pièces du châssis et l intérieur de la cavitédutiroir réchaud Grille du tiroir réchaud Pour retirer et replacer le tiroir réchaud Pour enlever le tiroir réchaud 1 Interrompez le courant avant d enlever le tiroir réchaud 2 Ouvrez complèt...

Страница 23: ...z vous que le plancher du découpage est solide et capable de supporter adéquatement le tiroir réchaud en plus du four encastré si applicable Lesarmoiresnesontpasd équerreouledécoupageesttroppetit Communiquez avec le constructeur ou l installateur afin de rendre l appareil accessible Assurez vous que le cordon d alimentation est correctement raccordé Lebranchementn estpasachevé Communiquezavecvotre...

Страница 24: ... naturelle 4 Les produits dont les numéros de série d origine ont été enlevés ou effacés et qui ne peuvent être lus Garder votre facture le bordereau de livraison ou toute autre preuve de versement effectué La date de la facture indique le début de la période de garantie dans l éventualité où une réparation serait requise Il est dans votre intérêt de demander et de conserver tous les reçus Cette g...
