The humidity control can be set 'On' or 35%-70%
RH(Relative Humidity) for normal operation. (See Figure 5)
If you need drier air, press the
Humidity Control button.
If you need moister air, press the
Humidity Control
Press the Power button to stop the unit manually.
1.5.6 DRIER (D30A)
Dryer is used to prevent capillary blockage from moisture in
the refrigerant system and H/E, condenser and evaporator.
Also, dryer is used to remove corrosion of the components.
NOTE: When dryer is replaced, proper injection to
capillary is needed. On opening the dryer, it
should be welded instantly. The oxidization of
dryer inside and all tubes inside after welding
can be prevented.
Figure 5
Figure 6