LRS455 Wireless Data Transceiver
Quick Start Guide
Part Number: QSG0016AA
Revision: B
Last Updated: 2/16/2012
Applies to the following FreeWave Products
This document describes how to quickly get your LRS455-C transceivers set up and connected in a
Point-to-Point or Point-to-MultiPoint network. The information provided here, along with detailed
information about each parameter setting available in the LRS455-C transceivers, and settings specific to
Repeaters is available in the
LRS455 Wireless Data Transceiver User Guide
connect the LRS455 series radios to DC power without terminating
the antenna port to a suitable load, such as a 50 ohm antenna, or an
attenuator with a power rating greater than or equal to 2 W. Powering up
without a load attached will damage your radio and void your warranty.
Installing Tool Suite
Tool Suite is the newest configuration software and is the recommended method for programming your
transceivers. It provides a group of tools for configuring the devices in your network and for monitoring
your network's performance. Using the Configuration application within Tool Suite, you can program
changes to your transceiver settings. The Tool Suite installation is available on the
User Manual and
System Tools
CD and is also available for download from www.freewave.com.
For more information about the general use of Tool Suite, see the
Tool Suite User Manual
available on
User Manual and System Tools CD
or by selecting
File > Help
in the Tool Suite software.
You can also program FreeWave radios using HyperTerminal, which offers the
same configuration options that are available in the Configuration application in
Tool Suite. If you run versions of the Windows operating system prior to
Windows 7, HyperTerminal is included in the operating system installation.
However, if you are running Windows 7 or newer, HyperTerminal is no longer
available. If you prefer the HyperTerminal interface, the Setup Terminal application
within Tool Suite provides the same interface that is available using