MC13192/MC13193 Technical Data, Rev. 2.7
Freescale Semiconductor
Applications Information
A tolerance analysis budget may be created using all the previously stated factors. It is an engineering
judgment whether the worst case tolerance will assume that all factors will vary in the same direction or if
the various factors can be statistically rationalized using RSS (Root-Sum-Square) analysis. The aging
factor is usually specified in ppm/year and the product designer can determine how many years are to be
assumed for the product lifetime. Taking all of the factors into account, the product designer can determine
the needed specifications for the crystal and external load capacitors to meet the IEEE 802.15.4
8.2 Design Example
shows a basic application schematic for interfacing the MC13192/MC13193 with an MCU.
lists the Bill of Materials (BOM).
The MC13192/MC13193 has differential RF inputs and outputs that are well suited to balanced printed
wire antenna structures. Alternatively, as in the application circuit, a printed wire antenna, a chip antenna,
or other single-ended structures can be used with commercially available chip baluns or microstrip
equivalents. PAO+ and PAO- require connection to VDDA, the analog regulator output. This is
accomplished through the baluns in the referenced design.
The 16 MHz crystal should be mounted close to the MC13192/MC13193 because the crystal trim default
assumes that the listed KDS Daishinku crystal (see
) and the 6.8 pF load capacitors shown are
used. If a different crystal is used, it should have a specified load capacitance (stray capacitance, etc.) of
9 pF or less. Bypassing capacitors are critical and should be placed close to the device. Unused pins should
be grounded as shown.
The SPI connections to the MCU include CE, MOSI, MISO, and SPICLK. The SPI can run at a frequency
of 8 MHz or less. Optionally, CLKO can provide a clock to the MCU. The CLKO frequency is
programmable via the SPI and has a default of 32.786+ kHz (16 MHz / 488). The ATTN line can be driven
by a GPIO from the MCU (as shown) or can also be controlled by a switch or other hardware. The latter
approach allows the MCU to be put into a sleep mode and then awakened by CLKO when the ATTN line
wakes up the MC13192/MC13193. RXTXEN can be used to initiate receive or transmit sequences under
MCU control. In this case, RXTXEN must be controlled by an MCU GPIO with the connection shown.
Otherwise, RXTXEN is held high and receive or transmit sequences are initiated by an SPI command.
Device reset (RST) is controlled through a connection to an MCU GPIO.
When the MC13192/MC13193 is used in Stream Mode, as with 802.15.4 MAC/PHY software, the
MC13192/MC13193 GPIO1 functions as an “Out of Idle” indicator and GPIO2 functions as a “CRC
Valid”, Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) result indicator and are not available for general purpose use.