RS232 Cable
In addition to the BSC9131RDB board,
the user will also require a PC with a USB
interface. Connect the UART (RS232) cable
to connector J25 on the BSC9131RDB,
and to the USB port on the user’s PC.
Set Up Serial
Connection in PC
1. In the user’s PC, in HyperTerminal
(standard with Windows XP), or if
HyperTerminal is unavailable, PuTTY is
another easy solution, configure a serial
connection for the BSC9131RDB as
115200 (baudrate), 8 bits, no parity,
1 stop bit, no flow control. (See figure for
PuTTY serial port configuration)
2. Enable the terminal software by
“connecting” your connection in the serial
software so it is up and is waiting for the
BSC9131RDB u-boot prompt
Assemble and Connect
Power Supply
1. Assemble the 12 V, 5.5 A power
supply kit
2. Connect power supply to the 12 V
connector (P4)
3. Plug the power cable into the wall outlet