Assembling Freemie Closed System Collection Cups
Always wash hands prior to assembling Freemie Closed System Collection
Cups. All parts must be completely dry, correctly positioned, and pressed
securely together.
Inspect the device before each use for signs of wear or damage and replace
parts if signs of wear are noted.
Place Barrier onto funnel mounting
ridge and against cone surface.
Align Valve Base with Barrier and
Funnel and push together.
Press Breast Funnel and Valve Base
firmly together.
Align Cup arrow with Funnel tubing port,
seat cup rim into outer ring of funnel,
and snap together. You should feel a
crisp ‘snap,’ and then assembly is secure.
Place Valve onto Valve Base.
Step 1
Step 3
Step 5
Step 4
Step 2
Cup arrow
Note: Arrow on cup is difficult
to see but can be felt above
Freemie logo. Locate arrow
with your finger, and align it
to tubing port to assemble.
Align cup arrow
with Funnel tubing
Note: Do not align
arrow with pour
spout (egg-shaped)