Breastfeeding in the sling
To breastfeed in the sling put the baby in the cradle hold position with her head at the
opposite end from the rings and with her feet hanging out at the end. Adjust the pouch of the
sling around her bottom and sides making sure she is secure. If you need to breastfeed
completely handsfree I would advise putting the baby into the pouch with the pouch still
loose, then allow the baby access to the breast and whilst supporting the baby’s head, pull the
edge of the pouch up over the back of her head to provide support and tighten the sling in
place. You can then use the ‘tail’ end of the sling to feed discreetly (as shown). NB: if you
have purchased a padded sling note the positioning of the padded rails……they are there to
support the baby’s head and therefore need come no further round than shown.
Handy Tip: some mums find it easier to use tops designed for breastfeeding otherwise I often
found it easier to wear tops that I could easily pull down.
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